
Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves are only expected to cover 0.6 months or 18 days' worth of foreign purchases in 2022, according to the IMF's most recent report on global economic growth and status. It is also expected that this situation may deteriorate in 2023. Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.7 months, or 21 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . Consequently, in the year According to the organization's projection, Ethiopia will only have enough foreign exchange reserves to cover purchases for 0.6 months. Ethiopia's average yearly foreign exchange reserves for the previous five years are shown by the same IMF statistics. In 2021, there were sufficient foreign exchange reserves to pay for

#AbiyAhmed & #Isaias’ air forces conducted a horrific drone attack in#AdiDaero today targeting #IDPs from #WesternTigray

  #AbiyAhmed & #Isaias’ air forces conducted a horrific drone attack in#AdiDaero today targeting #IDPs from #WesternTigray. Dozens of children and elderly killed &many more wounded. What makes this particularly outrageous is the victims had been in IDP shelters in Adiyabo before they were once again forced to leave their make-shift camps as a result of the latest round of genocidal campaign by #IsaiasAfeworki & #AbiyAhmed’s forces against the people of Tigray.  This is happening under the watch of international NGOs whose activities are being hampered by the systematic targeting of civilian infrastructure including of humanitarian aid trucks by the forces of the #TwinTyrants in the #HornofAfrica. We are not even sure if the international community would even mention this tragedy as a footnote. Tragic,yes, but,#TigrayWillPrevail!

According to a statement from the Tigrayan government's central command, Tigrayan forces had made geographic adjustments by leaving Amhara territories they had entered in the south.

  Message from the Government of #Tigray's Central Command. Ethiopia's Amhara region had been under the control of #Tigrayan soldiers for more than a month, but they now claim to have withdrew from those areas. According to a statement from the Tigrayan government's central command, Tigrayan forces had made geographic adjustments by leaving Amhara territories they had entered in the south.  According to the statement, the Tigray army had been carrying out this decision for the previous three days on its own volition, independent of what had happened on the battlefield there.It threatened, "This constantly defeated force should know that we can rejoin those territories at any time and in any route to ensure our survival."  After the government of Tigray repeatedly rejected peace offers, the Ethiopian regime, working in tandem with the Eritrean government and Amhara forces, commenced its invasion more than a month ago. The declaration stated that during the month of

Dr. Fasika Amdeslasie stated on the BBC's Newsday show that "we don't have medicines for our patients, surgical supplies, immunizations, or insulin

According to a surgeon at the primary hospital in the Tigray region's capital, Ethiopia, the 23-month civil war has caused patients to die needlessly due to a lack of medications and treatments. Dr. Fasika Amdeslasie stated on the BBC's Newsday show that "we don't have medicines for our patients, surgical supplies, immunizations, or insulin Since November 2020, Tigrayan forces have been engaged in combat with Ethiopian federal forces and their allies. For the majority of the conflict, Tigray has been cut off. Thanks to the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross, some medications have reached the affected areas, but the distribution has been patchy, according to Dr. Fasika. A lack of insulin is killing diabetic patients, he continued, and renal sufferers may potentially perish if dialysis cannot be continued. Dr. Fasika also claims that the hospital staff has not received pay in 17 months. It's difficult right now to save those wh

From Getachew Reda member , central command , Government of Tigray

 from Getachew Reda two consecutive tweets earlier today  AbiyAhmed’s treasonous army has been repeatedly making desperate attempts to take back positions in #NorthWollo that it had lost roughly 37 days ago CV only for it to lose tens of thousands of troops and materiel. Its repeated efforts to make so much as small dent in our defense lines fizzled out 3 days ago with our forces managing to pursue retreating enemy units all the way to the outskirts of Waldiya. Now that #AbiyRegime’s repeated counter-offensives in this front have been effectively thwarted & the regime has now fully handed over its resources to #IsaiasAfeworki, our forces are being redeployed to better confront head on threats elsewhere and reverse the second round of genocidal campaign waged by the twin tyrants in the Horn. #TigrayWillPrevail!margi"> If there is a common thread running through testimonies of Eritrean POWs, it’s the claim that they are persuaded/forced to assume that their foray into Tigray

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) urges Ethiopia not to start a war again.

 #ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) urges Ethiopia not to start a war again. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has said in a statement that it is concerned about the escalating conflict between the federal government and the Tigrayan forces.the institute said in a statement that it urged all to do their part to prevent a resumption of hostilities in Ethiopia. Reminding that 19 months ago, the war in northern Ethiopia had left many vulnerable to various human rights abuses,  EHRC said the escalation of hostilities should be stopped. "I have confirmed through previous investigations that millions of people in the Afar, Amhara, and Tigray regions have been subjected to violence, loss of loved ones, loss of life, loss of basic services, and the suffering of others." The three regions of northern Ethiopia, including the federal government, should focus on providing adequate human rights assistance to war-affected people, said in a statement. He emphasize

Ambassador Dina Mufti says the government has no answer to the question of removing the TPLF from the list of terrorists!

 Ambassador Dina Mufti says the government has no answer to the question of removing the TPLF from the list of terrorists! Foreign Ministry spokesman Dina Mufti said the government has not responded to questions raised by the House of Representatives about the removal of the TPLF from the list of security concerns are being negotiated "The government is pursuing its own position and there is no answer to the question." In his remarks, Ambassador Dina spoke about the peaceful conclusion of the African Union Summit, which was attended by Presidents of 23 countries, three Prime Ministers and three Vice Presidents. A report on peace and security was presented at the conference, and Ambassador Dina lamented the failure of the plan to prevent gun violence on the African continent. source-VOA  @Hilinasolom

Information about the huge Commercial Bank of Ethiopia headquarters building

 Information about the huge Commercial Bank of Ethiopia headquarters building: - The foundation stone of the building was laid on June 20, 2007 E.C by Bereket Simon, a policy advisor and then Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. - A long study has been done to carry out the construction and it has taken its own time to find the site; After 18,308 square meters of land was given to the building, a design competition was held with the participation of many, making it the current winner. - It took 7 years to identify the building design and construction facility. - The building is state-of-the-art and incorporates an unusual structure in Ethiopia. - Construction of the building was carried out under the supervision of Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology (AAiT) by the Chinese Government Construction Engineering Corporation. - 4 underground and 49 above ground with a total of 53 floors with a total height of 209.15 meters and two large buildings

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