Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves are only expected to cover 0.6 months or 18 days' worth of foreign purchases in 2022, according to the IMF's most recent report on global economic growth and status. It is also expected that this situation may deteriorate in 2023. Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.7 months, or 21 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . Consequently, in the year According to the organization's projection, Ethiopia will only have enough foreign exchange reserves to cover purchases for 0.6 months. Ethiopia's average yearly foreign exchange reserves for the previous five years are shown by the same IMF statistics. In 2021, there were sufficient foreign exchange reserves to pay for

In his opening remarks at the 35th African Union (AU) Summit, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said it is time for Africa to have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council

 # AU2021

In his opening remarks at the 35th African Union (AU) Summit, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said it is time for Africa to have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

"Now is the time for the United Nations to improve and for Africa to have a permanent seat on the Security Council," he said.

He said the idea of ​​a pan-Africanism that reflects the voice of Africa  should be established.

"If we Africans work together, we will move forward, but if we are divided, we will be in danger," he said.

"We must use Africa's untapped tourism resources," he said.

In his speech, Dr. Abiy raised various issues and said that Ethiopia has been achieving results over the past two years with a special focus on irrigation.

He said it is implementing green footprint to combat environmental degradation and climate change and is sharing experiences with her neighbors and sharing seedlings.

In light of the current situation, the government has released prisoners for better peace; He told the conference that a commission has been set up to hold an all-inclusive national consultation.

Dr. Abiy Ahmed: " diaspora Ethiopians  have come to their country and assured the rest of the world that Ethiopia is a place of peace and tourism," he said.



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