Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.6 months, or 18 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves are only expected to cover 0.6 months or 18 days' worth of foreign purchases in 2022, according to the IMF's most recent report on global economic growth and status. It is also expected that this situation may deteriorate in 2023. Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves in 2023 are only expected to cover 0.7 months, or 21 days, of international purchases, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . Consequently, in the year According to the organization's projection, Ethiopia will only have enough foreign exchange reserves to cover purchases for 0.6 months. Ethiopia's average yearly foreign exchange reserves for the previous five years are shown by the same IMF statistics. In 2021, there were sufficient foreign exchange reserves to pay for

Prime Minister Abiy ahmed has said his government is ready to hold talks with Tigray forces, the Associated Press reported.

 PM Abiy announces talks with Tigray forces

Prime Minister Abiy ahmed has said his government is ready to hold talks with Tigray forces, the Associated Press reported.

According to AP, members of the Ethiopian Diaspora who had been in talks with the Prime Minister for several hours told me: The federal government is ready to negotiate with the TPLF, which has been fighting for 15 months.

Mesfin Tegenu, Chairperson of the American-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (US-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee) "There is a strong desire to stop this [war]....

Prime Minister Abiy ahmed "There will be negotiations. There will be reasonable negotiations that will put the interests of the country first," the AP quoted the chairman as saying.

The new US Special Envoy to Ethiopia, David Satterfield, who recently visited Ethiopia, may have been aware of the process, Chairman Mesfin told the Occupied Press.

Neither the prime minister nor his government has yet commented on the alleged talks with the TPLF.

The AP report does not say when the Diaspora group met with Prime Minister Abit or what their agenda was.




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